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General Rules & Regulations:
  • Books will be issued on all working days. As per requistion.
  • Strict silence must be observed in the library.
  • Whill borrowing a book, presentation of Identity cum Library card is essential.
  • No Student shall keep the libary book for more than fifteen days.
  • If a book is not returned when due or called for a fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be levied.
  • The Librarian may recall any book from the borower at any time.
  • The borrower should not write anything on the library books.
  • If a book is lost or mutilated the borrower should pay the cost of the replaceable book together with the fine that may be imposed at discretion of the principal.
  • Every borrower should borrow the library books in persons.
  • Library clearance will be issued after test examination.
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